Aphrodisias is near Geyre village of Karacasu of Aydin province of Turkey. It is about 2 hours to Denizli and 3 hours to Izmir. The city was known as The city of Aphrodite.
Aphrodisias was near a marble quarry and thanks to this quarry the city became center of sculptures and it is said that there was a sculptor school in the city at that time. The city was destroyed by earthquakes like Laodicea and Hierapolis which are nearly in the same district. Earthquakes destroyed the city a lot and it could not habe been repaired.
Despite the severe earthquakes, the city has important buildings standing today. One of them is Temple of Aphrodite's main gate or Tetrapylon. There is a stadium, an odeon and a antique theatre in the city.
Because there was a sculpture school in the city, there are lots of statues and stone carvings. Excavation are still being hold in the city. The museum inside of the archeological site has magnifient statues worth seeing.